Acne - pharmacological treatment

Acne - pharmacological treatment.

There are many ways to fight acne, however, I will try to include only these on this page, which I personally tested. My battle with acne has been going on for many years, sometimes it was worse sometimes better, but I have never really been able to get rid of this annoying problem. And I still fight him. I've tried all sorts of remedies and there's still a lot more, which I have not had the opportunity or the courage to try.

1. Lassari pasta - Zinc ointment.

The paste contains salicylic acid and zinc oxide, it has anti-inflammatory and drying properties. Price approx 3 zloty.
I always use it in emergencies, when I happen to squeeze out the pus, a chisel. Mimo that, that it should not be applied to damaged skin, I noticed, that it dries the resulting change very nicely and prevents inflammation. Unfortunately, it does not cope with subcutaneous changes at all. The paste is white in color, hard to wash off the face.

2. Tormentiol - the ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, antibacterial and astringent. It contains a liquid extract from the rhizome of cinquefoil, ichtamol, borax and zinc oxide. Excipients such as lanolin, white vaseline and vanillin. Price approx 6 zloty.

I haven't noticed any improvement after using it, it has a very unpleasant smell to me.

3. Ichthyol Ointment - contains ammonium sulfobitumate. Price approx 8 zloty.
Very nice pulls subcutaneous pimples to the top. It has a dark brown color, so you have to be very careful, so as not to stain your clothes, or pillows while sleeping. Preferably after smearing the skin lesion, cover the place with a plaster like this, so that the ointment calmly lasts until the morning.

4. Benzac Ointment 5%, 10%. Price around PLN 10.
I did not notice any radical changes after using it. However, many people praise it highly, it's definitely worth a try as well, that the price is not too high.

5. Zineryt– liquid antibiotic. Used for all types of acne vulgaris. Prescription-only drug. In fact, acne goes down very nicely while using it, the face is smooth and without new pimples. The product has a rather unpleasant sour smell and taste. However, with prolonged use, it dries the skin, so you need to keep it well hydrated. Its big disadvantage is this, that it should be used within a month, because after this period the concentration of substances contained in it decreases. Personally, I still have half of this antibiotic left, I had to throw it in the trash and buy a new one. Zinerite is quite expensive, it costs about PLN 50, and is available by prescription only. Protect your skin from the sun while using it, therefore it is best to use it at night, and during the day avoid the sun and use creams with a high UV filter.
after use 3 pack ( 3 months of use) Unfortunately, my acne problem has come back.

6. The skinner (Azelaic acid) – the main ingredient is azelaic acid (1g ointment /200mg). Price around PLN 44. Capacity 30g. It comes in the form of gel and cream. The gel contains a lower percentage of azelaic acid (15%) compared to ointment (20%).

Excipients (ointment) : benzoic acid, polyethylene esters of fatty acids, octanonian cetearyl, mono-mixture, Of-, triglycerides of higher fatty acids, propylene glycol, glycerol 85%, Purified Water.

The product smoothes the lips nicely, clearly reduces discolorations and soothes acne lesions. However, it does not eliminate them completely, after 5 After a month of treatment, the problem returned. The cream dries the skin, avoid the sun while using it, because it can cause intensification of changes and the formation of ugly discolorations. During its application, I felt an unpleasant stinging of the face, but it passed after a few minutes. I only used it at night, because it was not suitable for makeup. As for efficiency, a tube of skinoren was enough for me 3 weeks of use - application once a day.

7. Acne derm – Polish equivalent of skinoren. Price approx 24 zloty.
Despite the similar composition, this cream turned out to be completely ineffective in comparison to Skinoren. The lower price made me buy it.

Azelaic acid content: (1g ointment /200mg).

Excipients: propylene glycol, glycerol, benzoic acid, Arlatone 983S (self-emulsifying glycerol monostearate), Cutina CBS, Liquid PCL, Purified Water.



8. of Daverc- prescription-only antibiotics. Used to fight bacterial infections of the skin. I haven't noticed any major results while using it. Cena: ok. 20 zloty


9. Tribiotic – antibiotic ointment. Available at the pharmacy in 1 g in convenient sachets or in a 14g tube. Perfect for treating small scratches, morning, bacterial infections of the skin, zajadów, abrasions, or purulent allergic changes. This is a first aid measure for minor wounds, burns or scratches. Effectively prevents inflammation and accelerates healing. It is most convenient to use it at night, because it is completely unsuitable for make-up. It's thick, greasy texture, similar to vaseline.

COMPOSITION: neomycin sulfate,polymyxin sulfate, zinc bacitracin and white petrolatum.

APPLICATION: 2-3 times a day on a cleansed skin surface.

APPLICATION TIME: no longer than 7 days.

CENA: sachet ok. 2,70 zloty, tube ok. 16 zloty (check, where to buy)