What not to do in the fight against acne?

What not to do in the fight against acne?

Don't pop pimples, don't touch your face, because doing so only makes acne worse. Avoid eating fatty, caloric foods, limit sweets anyway, that there are no unequivocal studies, which state the influence of diet on the formation of acne lesions, proper nutrition will certainly allow you to keep your dream figure, and you will feel full of energy and vigor. I'm sure you noticed, that when you ate something forbidden like pizza, chocolate you felt drowsy, heavy and still feeling guilty.... It's not uncommon for a terrible pimple to appear on your face the next day. Is it a coincidence? Hard to say, however, it is not known today, that the body gets rid of toxic substances also through the skin.

Watch out for washing your face too often, Excessive hygiene leads to dry skin, which causes increased production of sebaceous glands to compensate for losses in the form of hydration. So buy a good moisturizer now.

Also the application of salicylic alcohol to decontaminate acne wounds, only seemingly fights the problem, because, despite the disinfecting properties, spirit also dries the skin, which exacerbates acne lesions. You should also carefully read the ingredient labels on cosmetics, that we use every day, because they often contain alcohol.